Aaron Dobiesz

Certified Wim Hof instructor

Embarking on a journey over a decade ago, Aaron Dobiesz discovered his passion as a pulmonaut—an individual consumed by all things breath. His transformative path led him to The Wim Hof Method, a pivotal moment that shaped his pursuits. Aaron's diverse interests and influences include the likes of Ram Dass, 'Born to Run' by Chris McDougall, Laird Hamilton, Patrick McKeown, 'Breath' by James Nestor, Pranayama, Carbon Dioxide, Grief & Conscious Dying, Plant Medicine, Brene Brown, and Shadow Work. At the heart of all his explorations, The Wim Hof Method remains a constant, a powerful tool that has guided him through the intricate tapestry of his interests and journeys. Aaron Dobiesz passionately believes in the extraordinary ability of this method to expand and heal both mind and body—a truly remarkable and empowering tool.